Friday, November 8, 2013

Who's the New Guy?

Your going to hate me when I say this but this post is not about's about C++. Now C++ is a type of code that is very commonly used and instead of using the CPU to build it uses the compiler and (here's the funny part) C++'s disassembly builds as assembly so you can double check that it's working right. SO now I have to talk about how C++ works. For one thing C++ is a lot shorter than assembly because 1 C++ instruction can make several assembly instructions. Plus (surprisingly) it takes care of all the hard stuff for you. But don't get to carried away with it or else your assembly skills will drop. I'm still going to have you do some assembly programs after we go over some C++. C++ procedures and assembly procedures look almost nothing alike and as I said C++ procedures are a lot shorter than assembly procedures.
Here is a C++ procedure:

int main()
int total=0;
int termindex=0;
while (termindex < 6)
// calculate the next term value
int TermValue = raiseToThePower(bases[termindex],exponents[termindex]);

total = determineOperations(operations[termindex],total,TermValue);
std::cout << total;

Here is an assembly procedure:

doit proc
push eax
push edx
push ebx
push ebp
push ecx
sub esp,4               ; allocating termindex so we can use it 
mov ebp,esp
mov dword ptr [ebp],0
mov eax,4 ; calculate 4-byte offset into our data
mul dword ptr [ebp] ; Multiply term index
mov edx,eax ; Saving the 4-byte offset into edx

    ; calculate the next term value
mov ecx,bases[edx]
mov ebx,exponents[edx]
call raiseToThePower

    ; do the operation
mov ecx,eax
mov ebx,total
mov eax,operations[edx]
call determineOperations
mov total,ebx

; See if we need to repeat
inc dword ptr [ebp]               
cmp dword ptr [ebp],6
jl restart
pop ecx 
pop ebp
pop ebx
pop edx
pop eax 
add esp,4 ; deallocating termindex
doit endp

You see in assembly we need to define everything to the right register and it takes so much time and dudududududududu but in C++ it doesn't take so long and you don't have to worry about the registers because  C++ takes care of  them for us. And you don't have to worry about the "Leave No Trace"rule because C++ automatically does the pushes and pops. Now, you know how we carry certain values back and forth between the different procedures? Well how we do that in C++ is we say "return"and then the name of the dword that has the value that we want to pass to a different procedure. But still don't let it get the best of you because assembly is still pretty important.

Well the previous post (Assembly Town) had a program didn't it. This is that same program except in C++.

#include <iostream>

// We go from main to raiseToThePower
// with the bases and exponents (2,7) and go
// into the loop to multiply them together
// as many times as the exponent

int determineOperations(int operation, int currentTotal, int termValue)
int newtotal;
case 0:
newtotal=currentTotal + termValue;
case 1:
       newtotal=currentTotal - termValue;
case 2:
newtotal=currentTotal * termValue;
return newtotal;

int raiseToThePower(int base, int exponent)
int count=0;
int answerToThePower=1;
while (count <exponent)
answerToThePower=answerToThePower * base;
return answerToThePower;

int bases      [] = {2,3,6,9,4,2};
int exponents []  = {7,5,3,2,3,3};
int operations [] = {0,0,1,2,0,2};

int main()
int total=0;
int termindex=0;
while (termindex < 6)
// calculate the next term value
int TermValue = raiseToThePower(bases[termindex],exponents[termindex]);

total = determineOperations(operations[termindex],total,TermValue);
std::cout << total;

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